Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Aardenburg Imaging & Archives

I must applaud Mark on the development of his site! It has come a long way and continues to develop nicely. There is a load of information on the permmenance of digital printing.

"Aardenburg Imaging & Archives was founded in 2007 by Mark McCormick-Goodhart. It is located in the historic Hyde House in Lee, Massachusetts. AaI&A collaborates with serious amateur and professional print makers, photographers, and artists who work with digital printing processes. We are carefully building an archive of digitally mastered photographs and fine art prints. Our goal is rigorously to document the late 20th and early 21st Century digital printing technologies used to make photographs and fine art prints. Aardenburg's collecting policy emphasizes the materials and processes rather than any specific genre of artists or subject matter. "

Aardenburg Imaging & Archives