Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Final Cut 6 to usher in new video editing era for Apple

January 4, 2006 - Apple is preparing to make a huge splash at the National Association of Broadcasters trade show this year, Think Secret has learned. Preliminary information from sources suggests that Apple will take advantage of the April show to demonstrate Final Cut Pro 6 to the public for the first time. Even more significant, Apple will use the stage to unveil Final Cut Extreme, an extremely high-end version of its video editing software designed to grab marketshare away from rival Avid.

Sources note that Apple's Final Cut Extreme announcement will coincide with Red's upcoming 4K digital cinema camera, a revolutionary piece of equipment that is said will be priced upwards of $200,000. Pricing for Final Cut Extreme is said to be similarly up-market, approaching $10,000 a seed, and will require the latest hardware from Apple.


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