Friday, January 27, 2006

No charge for Aperture Universal Binary crossgrade

Apple has abandoned their plan to charge current Aperture owners a fee to obtain the Universal Binary version of the application. Earlier this month, the company had said it would be US$49 to "crossgrade" from the PowerPC version of the program - which will not run on Macs with Intel processors - to the Universal Binary version, which is compatible with both PowerPC Mac and Intel Mac architectures.

Now, the Aperture product page on the online Apple Store web site states:

A Universal version of Aperture, which will run natively on both PowerPC- and Intel-based Mac computers, will be available before the end of March 2006. New and existing owners of Aperture will be able to crossgrade to the Universal version at no additional charge via Software Update.

While the page describing Rosetta, the technology built into the operating system of Intel-based Macs, says:

Universal versions will be available by March 31, 2006. New and existing owners of Final Cut Studio or Logic Pro can crossgrade for $49. Logic Express owners can crossgrade for $29. Aperture owners can crossgrade at no charge.

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